We are deeply rooted in our decades of providing support and spaces for community connections to transgender and gender diverse communities. We know that with your generosity our biggest years are ahead of us. This year we are excited to announce that we have dispersed over $115,000 via our Community Financial Assistance Program directly to community members in crisis. We are asking for our communities to help us match this investment and support our work in 2020 by helping us raise $50,000 in 2020. Please help us reach our goal by sharing this and page with your networks. Thank you for your support!
Due to COVID-19, we have adapted programming in response to Trans and Gender Diverse community needs during the crisis. In response, we have launched several financial assistance programs for community members throughout Washington State, have collaborated with several different programs to provide meal and food asssistance for community members in King County, and are running two weekly virtual programs – our Trans Peer Support Group (the longest running trans peer support group in the nation) and a COVID19 Trans and Gender Diverse Community Call. Help us in expanding our impact by making a donation today. To learn more about our COVID-19 Rapid Response Programming, visit www.bit.ly/transaid2020
Your donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. If you have any questions for us please don't hesitate to reach out to us at coco@ingersollgendercenter.org.
Interested in creating a fundraiser for your social networks? You can set up your own Peer-to-Peer Campaign here.
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